Koshikake (腰掛け - Chair/Makeshift Job)

May 17, 2019 18:41

People often use 'koshikake' (腰掛け) when getting tired from walking or standing.

'Koshi' (腰) means "lower back," and 'kake' (掛け) has various meanings, but here it means "to place," so the literal meaning of 'koshikake' is "something for placing one's lower back."

Of course, it literally means the furniture for placing one's lower back and resting -- that is, it is a chair.

On the other hand, it can also mean that someone temporarily assumes a position only until getting their desired position or job.

The latter meaning is often used for female employees who intend to quit the job and become housewives when getting married.


「腰」は "lower back"、「掛け」は "to place" を意味するので、「腰掛け」の文字どおりの意味は "something for placing one's lower back" となります。



No. 1 Oceansea's correction
  • People often use 'koshikake' (腰掛け) when getting tired from walking or standing.
  • People often use something called 'koshikake' (腰掛け) when getting tired from walking or standing.
     I think this helps for clarity. I don't know if koshikake is a thing, a word, or a kind of medicine for fatigue. Saying "something called" lets me know that you are talking about an item.
  • 'Koshi' (腰) means "lower back," and 'kake' (掛け) has various meanings, but here it means "to place," so the literal meaning of 'koshikake' is "something for placing one's lower back."
  • 'Koshi' (腰) means "lower back," and 'kake' (掛け) has various meanings, but here it means "to place," so the literal meaning of 'koshikake' is "something for placing one's lower back against."
     It sounds strange in English without a preposition. If it is a chair, I think "against" works.
  • Of course, it literally means the furniture for placing one's lower back and resting -- that is, it is a chair.
  • Of course, it literally means the furniture for placing one's lower back against and resting -- that is, it is a chair.
  • The latter meaning is often used for female employees who intend to quit the job and become housewives when getting married.
  • The latter meaning is often used for female employees who intend to quit their job and become housewives when getting married.
     You used "their" in your last sentence. So I think this is better for consistancy with that idea.
Thank you so much for the correction! :)